Archives mensuelles : juillet 2014

Sugarbox v0.22

Sugarbox_v0.22 Main fix is on the CAPSImg.dll use : I found a way to use it without making it hang. This fix lots of CT Raw files that previously used to crash Sugarbox. Also, be sure to use the 32 … Continuer la lecture

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Sugarbox v0.21

A quick 0.21 version to correct few things about CAPS library : I made a mistake and incorrectly include it without the proper licence files. So, the 0.19 and 0.20 version will be removed. So, as it is intended to … Continuer la lecture

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Sugarbox v0.20

A quick version, to fix two problematic crashes. Here’s the log EDSK support secured : SCOOP #3 no longer result in a crash of the emulator. Also, if index table is in disorder, non longer crash the emulator Fixed of … Continuer la lecture

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Sugarbox v0.19

NOTE : For copyright reasons, this version is no longer available…. What’s new on this release (mainly focused on the FDC) : – FDC rewritten from scratch. It support now bitstream format, such as Kryoflux RAW or Supercard Pro. Paradigm … Continuer la lecture

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